Your Invitation to the WRC Annual Meeting on May 5


February 19, 2016

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to invite you to the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Worker Rights Consortium University Caucus. The meeting will take place on Thursday, May 5 in Washington, DC. It is a one-day meeting and will run from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. It will be held at the Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies (at 640 Massachusetts Ave., NW).

I hope you can join us. There is a lot to report and a lot to discuss, including:

  • The status of the massive, unprecedented effort to transform safety conditions for millions of workers in Bangladesh’s garment industry, including the status of safety renovations at factories producing university logo goods
  • Major progress to report on the WRC’s efforts to remedy large-scale wage theft –  including non-payment of the minimum wage – at collegiate factories in Haiti
  • The role and importance of factory access in WRC labor rights assessments and remediation efforts
  • Alta Gracia’s transition to its status as an independent entity and the current state of this key experiment in socially responsible apparel production

We will also cover a number of recent and ongoing factory investigations and remediation efforts – in India, Central America, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Bangladesh, and Indonesia. And we will review a number of new WRC projects, including a U.S. State Department-funded effort to advance a model, pioneered by the WRC, to achieve and maintain constructive labor-management at factories where anti-union violence has occurred and a program of worker trainings, supported by the American Bar Association, in Myanmar and Cambodia.

There will also be ample time, as always, for university representatives to raise any additional issues of interest or concern.

A detailed agenda will be circulated in the coming weeks. We will also be sharing, in a separate email today, a list of suggested hotels, convenient to the meeting location. If you have any questions about logistics or the topics we’ll be discussing, please let us know.

Please RSVP, as soon as is convenient, to Lynnette Dunston at [email protected] – or feel free just to reply to this message.

I hope to see you in May.



Scott Nova 
Worker Rights Consortium 
5 Thomas Circle NW, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20005 
ph 202 387 4884 
fax 202 387 3292 
[email protected]