Alta Gracia Verification Report

To:Primary Contacts at WRC Affiliate Colleges and Universities
From:Scott Nova
Date:February 2, 2011
Re:Alta Gracia Verification Report

At this link, please find a comprehensive verification report on labor practices at the Altagracia Project factory in the Dominican Republic, which produces university logo garments for Knights Apparel’s Alta Gracia brand.  I am pleased to be able to report that the factory has performed exceedingly well with respect to all applicable labor standards.

As you know, Knights Apparel has committed to ensure that all workers at the facility are paid a living wage and that workers’ associational rights are fully respected, in addition to meeting all requirements of university labor codes and Dominican labor law. The factory has fully met these obligations.

Also, subsequent to the completion of the present verification report, the factory management and the leadership of the factory’s union agreed to raise wages by 5.8%, to reflect increases in the cost of living since the WRC’s initial living wage analysis was conducted. The new wage is 19,206 Dominican Pesos per month, which is $513.  In hourly terms, the wage is $2.91 an hour – more than three-and-a-half times the Dominican minimum wage of 82 cents an hour. 

We continue to be heartened by this bold experiment in the Dominican Republic and by the profound impact it is having on the lives of workers and their families. For additional information about the WRC’s work on this project, please visit:

Please let me know if you have any questions about this report.

Scott Nova 
Worker Rights Consortium 
5 Thomas Circle NW 
Washington DC 20005 
ph  202 387 4884 
fax 202 387 3292 
[email protected]