Anonymous Reporting Form

The Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) recognizes and respects a Worker’s right to privacy and the need for confidentiality and autonomy. The WRC shall maintain the confidentiality of a Worker’s information concerning gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) to the extent allowed by law, unless to do so would risk physical harm to any person, and/or jeopardize safety within the Workplace. The WRC shall provide advance notice to the Worker who disclosed information, to the extent possible, if the disclosure must be shared with other parties in order to maintain safety in the Workplace or elsewhere, or in order to facilitate internal or external investigations, the provision of workplace accommodations, or disciplinary procedures.

It is the policy of the WRC that all persons shall have the right to work in an atmosphere free from gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) and its impacts, regardless of where it occurs. The WRC affirms the rights of transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming individuals and will treat gender identity and gender expression as categories of persons protected from GBVH. The WRC will not tolerate GBVH by or against Workers or Other Persons (as defined in the WRC’s GBVH Policy).

Please see the WRC's policy here.

Please see examples of GBVH here.

Resources for Support

You can always reach out to the the following people if you would like support:

  1. The union’s shop steward
  2. A member of management
  3. A board member
  4. A member of the GBVH committee
  5. A member of the Investigation Taskforce