WRC Statement in Response to Murder of Anastacio Tzib Caal

The WRC was shocked and outraged by the assassination of Guatemalan garment worker leader, Anastacio Tzib Caal, on June 15. Mr. Tzib Caal was employed at the garment factory, Texpia II, which is owned by the multinational apparel manufacturer, SAE-A Trading, and produces for major brands such as Walmart, Target, Carhartt, and Academy Sports. Tzib Caal was the Secretary General of the factory workers’ union and a single father to two children, ages seven and nine.

Guatemalan news sources reported that Tzib Caal was gunned down by an unidentified assailant on the evening of June 15 in Villa Canales on the outskirts of Guatemala City.

For the past several months, anonymous death threats targeting Tzib Caal and other worker leaders had been written on the on the walls of the employee restrooms in the factory. These messages threatened that worker union leaders would be “lynched”, accusing them of harming the company and putting workers’ jobs at risk — and were accompanied by a drawing of a gun.   Despite the factory management removing the messages, the threats recurred.

The WRC has contacted brands that purchase apparel made at both this factory and other SAE-A-owned facilities in Guatemala, calling on them to ensure that their business partner is taking meaningful action to protect the lives of other workers and requiring accountability for the worker union leader’s assassination.

SAE-A, the factory owner, has condemned Tzib Caal’s assassination and said it will work with the union to address this horrific tragedy. Buyers report that SAE-A has committed that it will financially assist Tzib Caal’s family, will collaborate with the investigation of the murder that is being undertaken by the Guatemalan authorities, will make clear statements of its respect for freedom of association and the right of factory employees to organize, and will conduct an anti-violence training for factory supervisors. SAE-A’s implementation of its commitments regarding freedom of association and anti-violence training is still pending; the WRC will continue to monitor for compliance with these commitments.

The WRC expresses its profound condolences to Anastacio Tzib Caal’s family and calls on SAE-A and buyers to continue to work with the union to take every step possible to ensure that the Mr. Tzib Caal’s assassins are brought to justice and that workers in the factory and other workers employed by SAE-A are able to safely exercise their fundamental right to freedom of association.

Related links

Statement issued by the Guatemalan Network of Maquila Unions
Statement issued by Texpia II and SAE-A 
Statement issued by the US Department of State
Statement issued by the US Department of Labor