Letters from Jerzees de Honduras Union

Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached two letters from the union that represents workers at the Jerzees de Honduras factory addressed, respectively, to representatives of the FLA and WRC and to Fruit of the Loom’s senior vice president of human resources. As you know, Russell Corporation is a subsidiary of Fruit of the Loom. The union asked the WRC and the FLA to share the letters with universities. The letters are in Spanish; each is followed by the WRC’s translation of the text.
The letters reference a meeting scheduled for this past Friday, February 20, between representatives of Fruit of the Loom/Russell management and representatives of the union. As we understand the union’s position, their purpose in sending these letters was to ensure that Fruit of the Loom/Russell did not cite the meeting in order to claim that the company and the union are now in a constructive dialogue. A meeting did take place, but the union has reported to us that they did not consider the discussion constructive, since the company was unwilling to discuss, in any way, the prospect of re-opening the facility. Instead, Fruit of the Loom/Russell simply provided a verbal review of the limited remedial steps the company had already announced to universities (nothing was presented in writing).
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this information.
Scott Nova
Worker Rights Consortium
5 Thomas Circle NW
Washington DC 20005
ph 202 387 4884
fax 202 387 3292
[email protected]
Attachment: Translation of CGT Letter to the FLA and WRC
Attachment: Translation of CGT Letter to Fruit of the Loom