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RJ Torres

Published: August 31, 2022

In 2022, the WRC investigated working conditions and labor practices at RJ Torres Manufacturing, located in the Dominican Republic. This investigation was conducted pursuant to the WRC’s role as the independent monitor for the City and County of San Francisco, California under the City’s Sweatfree Contracting Ordinance. The WRC’s investigation of this facility found violations…

Alta Gracia Workers Have Received Their Severance, on Time and in Full

Published: June 24, 2021

June 24, 2021 Dear Colleagues, In April, the university licensee, Alta Gracia, was on the verge of a decision to permanently close. As many of you know, the company did indeed decide to proceed with closure. Over recent weeks, the company has been carrying out the closure process. The WRC’s primary concern has been to…

Alta Gracia

Published: April 12, 2021

April 12, 2021 Dear University Colleagues, For more than a decade, the Alta Gracia factory has paid workers a genuine living wage. It is the only apparel export factory to achieve that standard, whether in the collegiate sphere or beyond. The benefits for Alta Gracia’s workers and their families have been profound. However, after a…

Minikin Togs Ltd.

Published: April 6, 2021

The apparel industry’s chronically low wages left most garment workers with no savings on the eve of the Covid-19 crisis. Since most governments in apparel exporting countries provide little or no unemployment benefits, the only thing standing between an out-of-work garment worker and immediate poverty for her family are the legally mandated severance benefits that…

Alta Gracia

Published: November 12, 2020

The WRC is currently engaged in monitoring and public verification of working conditions at a factory that makes a unique apparel product: university t-shirts and sweatshirts sewn by workers who are paid a living wage, are represented by a democratic union, and face none of the abusive labor conditions that continue to plague apparel workers around the world. The shirts are sold by Knights Apparel under the company’s new Alta Gracia brand, and are available in campus bookstores across the country and online. The Alta Gracia brand, and the robust labor rights monitoring process outlined on this site, represent an extraordinary step forward for worker rights in global manufacturing and are the product of two years of work by Knights Apparel, the WRC, student activists, university leaders, and worker representatives in the Dominican Republic where the garments are sewn.

Annual Monitoring Report: Alta Gracia

Published: November 12, 2020

November 12, 2020 Dear Colleagues, We are happy to share with you our most recent report on the WRC’s annual verification of compliance with labor rights standards at the Altagracia Project factory, located in Villa Altagracia, Dominican Republic. The WRC once again finds Alta Gracia to have fully complied with its commitments to uphold all…

During Pandemic, Universities Continue Support of Living-Wage Jobs

Published: October 5, 2020

Despite the tremendous challenges facing colleges and universities during this back-to-school season, dozens of schools have chosen to leverage their mask procurement and licensing choices to support living-wage jobs by sourcing from Alta Gracia Apparel.

Alta Gracia Update: Living-Wage Masks

Published: September 30, 2020

September 30, 2020 Dear colleagues, Amidst the tremendous challenges of this unique back-to-school season, we are pleased to note that dozens of schools have chosen to leverage their mask procurement and licensing choices to support living-wage jobs by sourcing from Alta Gracia Apparel. University support of Alta Gracia’s move into mask production this spring has…

All-Sportz Apparel

Published: March 4, 2020

In March 2019, the WRC received a complaint from workers at the All-Sportz Apparel factory located in the Dominican Republic. These workers alleged that, following the creation of a Union Formation Committee at the factory, management responded with actions that violated their freedom of association. The WRC investigated the complaint and found violations of workers’…

Suprema Manufacturing S.A.

Published: January 24, 2020

The WRC’s assessment at Suprema Manufacturing found violations in the areas of wages and hours, freedom of association, and discrimination of pregnant workers in the hiring process. Read More: