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JNB Global / Sams and Rudia
Published: March 2, 2023
The WRC documented violations of worker rights at the Guatemalan garment factory, JNB Global, also known as Sams and Rudia. Violations at this factory occurred when it required all factory employees to sign new employment contracts that illegally falsified their dates of hire. Further violations occurred when JNB Global fired workers who refused to sign….
La intervención del WRC con Target asegura las indemnizaciones de siete trabajadoras(es) despedidas ilegalmente y restablece el derecho a la indemnización que les había sido arrebatado a las 400 trabajadoras(es) de JNB Global en Guatemala
Published: March 2, 2023
Después de una investigación realizada por el Consorcio de Derechos del Trabajador (WRC, por sus siglas en inglés) y del subsiguiente compromiso con Target para implementar acciones correctivas, JNB Global, una fábrica de ropa en Guatemala que abastece a las tiendas de Target, pagó las indemnizaciones por despido y los salarios caídos que legalmente se…
Published: February 24, 2023
In 2020, the WRC documented serious violations of workers’ rights to freedom of association that occurred at the Winners factory, owned by the Korean multinational company, SAE-A. Union leaders were attacked by mob violence, threatened with death, and forced to resign from their positions. The WRC engaged with SAE-A and with buyers and ultimately the…
Published: January 25, 2023
Nine workers were fired due to their exercise of freedom of association. After intervention by the WRC, the factory agreed to several remedial actions.
New Report: Remediation of Sexual Harassment and Retaliation at Centexsa (Guatemala)
Published: January 25, 2023
To: WRC Affiliate Universities and Colleges From: Tara Mathur, Ben Hensler, and Scott Nova Date: January 25, 2023 Re: New Report: Remediation of Sexual Harassment and Retaliation at Centexsa (Guatemala) Please find here a new report from the WRC concerning our investigation and the remediation of physical and verbal sexual harassment and retaliatory suspension and…
Guatemalan Target Supplier’s Laid-Off Workers Still Waiting for Severance
Published: January 3, 2023
Target Supplier JNB Global Fires Workers and Steals Severance
Published: June 16, 2022
Overview: The WRC recently documented violations of worker rights at the Guatemalan garment factory JNB Global, also known as Sams and Rudia. Following our investigation, we shared findings and recommendations for remedial action with the factory and with its buyer, Target Corporation. The violations of worker rights at JNB Global occurred when the factory required…
Hoosier Manufacturing
Published: May 27, 2022
In 2022, the WRC investigated complaints of retaliatory dismissal of 25 workers who allegedly attempted to form a union in April 2021, as well as the dismissal of three workers in October 2021 in violation of a legal protective order. In the case of the 25 workers fired in April 2021, the WRC determined that,…
WRC Case Brief: Hoosier Manufacturing (Guatemala)
Published: May 27, 2022
To: WRC Affiliate Universities and Colleges From: Tara Mathur and Ben Hensler Date: May 27, 2022 Re: WRC Case Brief: Hoosier Manufacturing (Guatemala) Please see here a case brief on remediation of violations of university codes of conduct and Guatemalan law at Hoosier Manufacturing, which supplies collegiate apparel to Fanatics and Nike. The WRC investigated…
WRC Engagement with Target Secures Compensation for Seven Unlawfully Fired Employees, Restores Stolen Severance Rights for 400 Workers at Supplier JNB Global in Guatemala
Published: March 2, 2023
JNB Global, a garment factory in Guatemala that supplies Target Stores, has provided legally owed severance and back pay to workers whom the factory unlawfully fired in February 2021, and it has restored severance and seniority rights for the factory’s entire workforce of 400 employees, following a WRC investigation and subsequent engagement with Target for…