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PT Taekwang
Published: April 6, 2021
The apparel industry’s chronically low wages left most garment workers with no savings on the eve of the Covid-19 crisis. Since most governments in apparel exporting countries provide little or no unemployment benefits, the only thing standing between an out-of-work garment worker and immediate poverty for her family are the legally mandated severance benefits that…
Published: April 6, 2021
The apparel industry’s chronically low wages left most garment workers with no savings on the eve of the Covid-19 crisis. Since most governments in apparel exporting countries provide little or no unemployment benefits, the only thing standing between an out-of-work garment worker and immediate poverty for her family are the legally mandated severance benefits that…
PT Gunung Salak Sukabumi
Published: April 6, 2021
The apparel industry’s chronically low wages left most garment workers with no savings on the eve of the Covid-19 crisis. Since most governments in apparel exporting countries provide little or no unemployment benefits, the only thing standing between an out-of-work garment worker and immediate poverty for her family are the legally mandated severance benefits that…
PT Kukdong International
Published: December 13, 2019
In September 2019, PT Kukdong International, which was located in Bekasi City, West Java, Indonesia, closed its doors, ending the employment of 1,021 workers. The factory paid these workers the full severance that they were owed under Indonesian law, totaling more than nine million dollars. While the closure was a sad event for these workers,…
PT Kahoindah Citragarment Tambun-Bekasi
Published: December 4, 2019
The WRC conducted an investigation of the PT Kahoindah Citragarment Tambun-Bekasi factory, which was owned and operated by Hojeon Ltd. (Hojeon), a South Korea-based factory conglomerate. The investigation was undertaken in response to complaints from workers received by the WRC after the factory announced its intention to close on July 2, 2018. From 2009 until…
“Organized theft on a massive scale”: the reality of severance theft in Indonesia
Published: June 26, 2019
Abruptly and without warning, the Indonesian garment company Jaba Garmindo shut down operations at its two factories in April of 2015, leaving over 4,000 workers without their legally mandated severance. The sudden departure reflects a consistent trend within garment factories around the globe; in response to intense market pressure to cut production costs, many factories…
Gaha Green Garment Co., Ltd.
Published: April 4, 2019
The WRC’s assessment of Gaha Green found violations of Indonesian labor law, relevant international labor standards, university and buyer codes of conduct in the areas of: (1) wages and hours of work; (2) terms of employment; (3) statutory paid time off; (4) discrimination in hiring; (5) harassment and abuse; and (6) health and safety. Although…
PT Jaba Garmindo
Published: December 18, 2015
PT Jaba Garmindo (“Jaba Garmindo”), an Indonesian garment manufacturer entered bankruptcy in April 2015 without having paid legally required severance benefits and final wages to its roughly 4,000 employees. The WRC is urging UNIQLO, H&M, s.Oliver, Jack Wolfskin, and the other brands and retailers that produced at Jaba Garmindo to ensure that the workers who…
PT Kizone
Published: August 9, 2013
The owner of PT Kizone fled Indonesia in Janaury 2011 without paying workers $3.3 million in legally mandated severance. More than 2,800 workers were affected.
Largest Sum Ever: WRC recovers US$4.5 Million in unpaid severance
Published: December 4, 2019
In the fall of 2019, two thousand Indonesian workers received what the WRC believes to be the largest amount workers have won in a single case of illegally denied severance. On July 2, 2018, the management of PT Kahoindah Citragarment (Kahoindah), an Indonesian garment factory owned by the Korean firm Hojeon LLC, had announced that…