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Eagle Speed Marketing
Published: August 1, 2011
The WRC began its investigation at Eagle Speed after receiving a complaint that more than twenty workers were being confined by the management in a room in the factory because they had objected to being demoted from their usual production jobs to so-called “general administrative” work, which included cleaning the factory.
LTU Apparel/British Thai
Published: August 4, 2010
The WRC conducted its assessment of LTU Apparel in response to complaints received in May 2008 from employees alleging violations of Thai labor law, and buyer and university codes of conduct, primarily concerning respect for freedom of association.
Teerapat Industries
Published: November 15, 2008
The key issue raised in the Teerapat complaint was the alleged illegal lockout and subsequent dismissal of 177 employees who had refused to sign new work contracts.
Double Star
Published: December 19, 2006
The WRC has been working since November 2003 to correct code of conduct violations at the Double Star factory in Thailand. The WRC assessment identified serious code of conduct violations pertaining to freedom of association, wages, hours of work, and occupational health and safety.
WRC Factory Assessment Update
Published: December 19, 2006
To: Primary Contacts, WRC Affiliate Colleges and Universities From: Scott Nova Date: December 19, 2006 Re: WRC Factory Assessment Update The following is an update on the work of the WRC in recent months at a number of important factories, covering both ongoing remediation efforts and new investigations. There are fifteen cases reviewed, covering twenty…
Gina Form Bra
Published: November 19, 2006
In response to a request from worker representatives in Thailand, the WRC has been working to address issues surrounding the closure of a factory known as Gina Form Bra. The factory closed on October 20, 2006 and production was shifted to a new facility in China operated by Gina’s parent company.
Nangrong Pacific
Published: February 15, 2006
The WRC undertook an Assessment in response to a complaint from workers alleging a range of code of conduct violations, primarily in the areas of collective bargaining, the provision of benefits, homework, and occupational health and safety.
Lian Thai
Published: February 15, 2006
The WRC undertook an Assessment of Lian Thai in response to a complaint from workers alleging a range of code of conduct violations, primarily in the areas of collective bargaining, the provision of benefits, homework, and occupational health and safety.
Pacific Thailand/Six Sigma Apparel
Published: February 15, 2006
The WRC undertook an Assessment in response to a complaint from workers alleging a range of code of conduct violations, primarily in the areas of collective bargaining, the provision of benefits, homework, and occupational health and safety.
Fair Textile
Published: February 15, 2006
The assessment was initiated in response to multiple complaints made by employees of these facilities, primarily concerning the areas of freedom of association and occupational health and safety.