WRC Factory Investigation

PT Batang Apparel Indonesia

Factory: PT Batang Apparel Indonesia

Key Buyers: Fanatics, Nike

Last Updated: 2025

Case Summary

PT Batang Apparel Indonesia is owned by the Korea-based firm Ontide. Fanatics sources both its own products and, under license, Nike-branded apparel from the factories—including university licensed apparel.

The WRC has worked extensively on the remediation of gender-based violence and harassment documented at this factory and at PT Semarang Garment Indonesia, also owned by Ontide. When the WRC investigated, uncovered the violations, and sought remedial action, the licensees moved promptly to take effective measures, with Fanatics serving as the WRC’s direct interlocutor in the remediation process. Particularly notable is the licensees’ ongoing support for the efforts of the factory owners to achieve and sustain labor rights progress via the new Central Java Gender Justice Agreement. This Agreement is signed by the four unions representing the workers at the two factories, Ontide, the WRC, Asia Floor Wage Alliance, and Global Labor Justice, with an enforcement commitment from Fanatics. Notwithstanding the past violations, which are unfortunately far from unique in the garment sector in Indonesia, the new Agreement will make these two factories among the safest workplaces in the country for women garment workers.

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