Heartless at Heart and Mind: Cheated of severance, Thai workers who sewed kids’ clothes for El Corte Inglés struggle to feed and house their own children
Denial of legally due severance inflicts many hardships on garment workers. Due to chronically low wages across major apparel brands’ supply chains, weak social safety nets in the countries where they choose to produce clothes, and poor enforcement of local labor laws, most garment workers entered the Covid-19 pandemic with no margin of economic security….
Sin corazón en Heart and Mind (Corazón y Mente): Robado de su pago de indemnización, trabajadoras y trabajadores tailandeses que cosían ropa infantil para El Corte Inglés luchan por alimentar y proveer vivienda a sus propios hijos e hijas
17 de diciembre del 2021 | COMUNICADO DE PRENSA — La denegación de la indemnización legalmente debida ocasiona muchas dificultades a los y las trabajadoras de la confección. Debido a los salarios que son crónicamente bajos en las cadenas de suministro de las principales marcas de ropa, las débiles redes de seguridad social en los países donde estas marcas eligen producir ropa…
Coalition Calls Passage of Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act a Defeat for Corporations Complicit in Forced Labor and a Huge Victory for Uyghur Human Rights
On the passage of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, the Coalition to End Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region released the following statement: We applaud the House and Senate for passing the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, despite opposition from many of the nation’s most powerful corporations. By sharply constraining corporate complicity in forced labor, and…
Worker Rights Consortium Urges Apparel Brands to Join International Safety Accord on Anniversary of Deadly Factory Fire
Since the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry went into effect in September, 155 apparel brands and retailers have signed this new binding agreement which expands the model pioneered by the Bangladesh Accord for protecting worker safety. The signatories include many of the world’s leading apparel brands and retailers….
Daw Myo Myo Aye, leader of the STUM Union, is released from prison, but the threat to trade unionists and workers in Myanmar remains high
After six months of detainment in Myanmar’s notorious, Covid-ridden Insein prison,[1] Daw Myo Myo Aye, leader of the Solidarity Trade Union of Myanmar, was released and reunited with her family along with 5,000 other political prisoners on October 21, 2021. Among those released alongside Myo Myo were three workers from Xing Jia Footwear, whose only…
On Anniversary of Bangladesh’s Deadliest Garment Factory Fire, Worker Rights Consortium Urges Walmart and Other Laggard Retailers to Join Acclaimed Safety Program
Two months after the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry went into effect in September 2021, 150 apparel brands and retailers had already signed this new binding agreement which expands the model pioneered by the Bangladesh Accord for protecting worker safety. The signatories include H&M, Zara, American Eagle Outfitters,…
Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan Unions Call for Health and Safety Protections for Garment Workers
The Covid 19 pandemic has posed new health and safety risks for garment workers in factories around the world. In addition to the dangers workers already faced from excessive temperatures, unsafe machinery, and factory fires, workers now must also now contend with the spread of a potentially deadly respiratory virus in factories where, too often,…
NGO Signatories to Bangladesh Accord Welcome New Binding Worker Safety Agreement
Labor rights groups say “every brand that values workers’ lives” will sign the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry Today, apparel brands and labor unions announced agreement on a new International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, thereby preserving, extending, and expanding the model…
Bangladesh Accord expiration poses liability risk to apparel brands
An analysis of existing and upcoming human rights due diligence legislation in relation to the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, published today, shows that apparel brands will expose themselves to considerable liability risks if they fail to negotiate and sign a follow up agreement to this ground-breaking safety program, which will expire…
Featured News Story
EXCLUSIVE: Fanatics, Nike Back Binding Agreement to Fight Workplace Sexual Violence in Indonesia
Sourcing Journal
WRC in the Media
Gender justice agreement for Indonesian garment workers
Ecotextile News
Labor activists hail ‘groundbreaking’ deal to combat sexual violence in Nike, Fanatics factories
The Oregonian
EXCLUSIVE: Fanatics, Nike Back Binding Agreement to Fight Workplace Sexual Violence in Indonesia
Sourcing Journal
Republican Lawmakers Question ‘Legitimacy’ of EU Regulation for US Businesses
Sourcing Journal
Garment Worker Safety in Bangladesh Risks ‘Backslide Into Disaster’
Sourcing Journal
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Testimony from Workers Who Benefitted from Barco’s Contribution of $1 Million
“This is a joyful day that we thought would never come. My father fell ill during the past year, and I felt so sad because I wasn’t able to help with any of his expenses. But now I will be able to help buy him medicine. We appreciate all of the efforts by the organizations…