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The Unequal Impacts of Covid-19 on Global Garment Supply Chains
Country: Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Myanmar
Issues: Covid-19, Forced Labor
This report documents deteriorating living and working conditions for workers in garment supply chains, including a surge in vulnerability to forced labour, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.
We find that garment workers’ labour and living conditions have severely worsened during the pandemic and workers are experiencing severe economic hardship and labour abuse. Across all four of our case study countries, workers have experienced sharp declines in earnings and working conditions, including increased vulnerability to key indicators of forced labour. These dynamics are evident for workers who have remained in the same jobs with no change in their employment status, as well for those who have had their contracts terminated amidst the pandemic and found new jobs; which have often involved worse working conditions and lower pay compared to their pre-pandemic employment. These patterns varied across case study country; individual level factors such as age, gender, race and ethnicity, union affiliation, migration and employment status; and commercial dynamics in supply chains.
Forced labour risks increase for garment workers
Country: Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Myanmar
Issues: Covid-19, Forced Labor
Research spotlights forced labour concerns
Country: Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Myanmar
Issues: Covid-19, Forced Labor
Risk of forced labour in clothing industry rises due to pandemic and industry response
Country: Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Myanmar
Issues: Covid-19, Forced Labor
Can Fabric Waste Become Fashion’s Resource?
Issues: Covid-19
Garment Workers Face Mounting Forced Labor Risks
Country: Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Myanmar
Issues: Covid-19, Forced Labor
1000+ Interviews Reveal Destructive Brand Practices Contributed to Unpaid Earnings, Threats and Abuse, Skyrocketing Debt, and a Dangerous Lack of PPE New research by the University of Sheffield and the Worker Rights Consortium finds that declining income and working conditions for workers in garment supply chains amid the Covid-19 pandemic has increased workers’ vulnerability to…
Hanging by a thread
Country: Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Myanmar
Issues: Covid-19, Forced Labor
Fashion Could Feel Effects of COVID-19-Induced Labor Crisis Until 2023
Issues: Covid-19
Weakening Legal Protections for Garment Workers in Asia
Country: Cambodia, India, Indonesia
Issues: Covid-19, Freedom of Association Violations, Living Wage, Wage and hour violations, Workplace Health and Safety
May 27, 2021 Dear colleagues, Over the past year, the WRC has tracked a disturbing trend: as their populations faced the ravages of Covid, the governments of several garment-producing countries in Asia acted to strip away and undermine worker protections, a move often framed as a way to attract new investment. In Indonesia and India,…
$1.3 Million Wage Theft from Salvadoran Workers Who Made Disney/ABC-licensed Grey’s Anatomy Scrubs for Barco Uniforms
Country: El Salvador
Issues: Covid-19, Wage Theft
One year after the factory closed, workers are still owed an estimated $1.3 million The Industrias Florenzi factory in San Salvador, El Salvador, dismissed its 210 workers in the first half of 2020, finally ceasing operations in July. One year later, however, workers still have not been paid the $1.3 million in terminal compensation which…