Viewing all content tagged: Covid-19
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Fashion’s Sustainability Landscape: Who’s Investing in What?
Issues: Covid-19
One Year On, Has The Pandemic Taught The Fashion Industry Sustainable Lessons?
Issues: Covid-19
Garment workers’ “severance theft” exceeds US$500m
Issues: Covid-19, Wage Theft
Pandemic leaves thousands of factory workers jobless
Issues: Covid-19, Wage Theft
Op-Ed: building back better means backing garment workers
Issues: Covid-19
Half a Billion in Severance: Laid-Off Garment Workers Still Waiting on Wages
Country: Global
Issues: Covid-19, Wage Theft
Garment Workers Owed $39.8M in Severance for Factory Closures, Report Says
Country: Global
Issues: Covid-19, Wage Theft
Elim SA
Country: Guatemala
Issues: Covid-19, Freedom of Association Violations, Wage Theft
In late 2020, the WRC conducted an investigation of labor rights violations at Elim, a garment factory located in Mixco, Guatemala. The investigation found serious violations of freedom of association, including retaliatory dismissals, death threats by factory management, and threats of retaliatory firing and plant closure, all of which were in response to the decision…
V.K. Garment Co. Ltd.
Country: Thailand
Issues: Covid-19, Wage Theft
The apparel industry’s chronically low wages left most garment workers with no savings on the eve of the Covid-19 crisis. Since most governments in apparel exporting countries provide little or no unemployment benefits, the only thing standing between an out-of-work garment worker and immediate poverty for her family are the legally mandated severance benefits that…
Vega Textile Ltd.
Country: Jordan
Issues: Covid-19, Wage Theft
The apparel industry’s chronically low wages left most garment workers with no savings on the eve of the Covid-19 crisis. Since most governments in apparel exporting countries provide little or no unemployment benefits, the only thing standing between an out-of-work garment worker and immediate poverty for her family are the legally mandated severance benefits that…