Viewing all content tagged: Forced Labor

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US Olympic team sponsor caught in clothes factory ‘abuse’ scandal

Country: Jordan
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Forced Labor, Gender-based Violence and Discrimination

Can we trust textile factory audits in China?

Country: China
Issues: Forced Labor

WRC Testimony for Hearing on Factories and Fraud: How Human Rights Violations Make Reliable Audits Impossible

Country: China
Issues: Forced Labor

Scott Nova, Executive Director of the Worker Rights Consortium, presented testimony to the Congressional-Executive Commission on China’s April 30, 2024, hearing: “WRC Testimony for Hearing on Factories and Fraud: How Human Rights Violations Make Reliable Audits Impossible.” This testimony includes recommendations related to audit methodological standards and recommends that Congress hold hearings in which it asks…

Broken threads: 5 things to know about troubled college clothing industry

Country: Global
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Covid-19, Forced Labor, Freedom of Association Violations, Gender-based Violence and Discrimination, Living Wage, Wage Theft