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Country Update and Two Collegiate Case Updates
Country: Bangladesh, El Salvador, Ethiopia
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Living Wage, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft
September 6, 2024 Dear Colleagues, As the school year kicks off, I am writing to provide updates on several items we reported on over the summer. At Style Avenue, the collegiate factory in El Salvador that closed without paying workers $1.8 million in legally mandated compensation, we completed the distribution of $1.2 million to workers, using…
Labour rights organisations continue to denounce the situation at Levi’s Turkish supplier
Country: Türkiye
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination
ASICS shoe supplier in Cambodia accused of labor rights abuses
Country: Cambodia
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations
Back Pay and Remediation of Labor Rights Violations at a Collegiate Supplier in Ethiopia
Country: Ethiopia
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Overtime Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage and hour violations, Wage Theft
To: WRC Affiliate Universities and Colleges From: Rola Abimourched and Scott Nova Date: July 31, 2024 Re: Back Pay and Remediation of Labor Rights Violations at a Collegiate Supplier in Ethiopia Please find here a new report on the WRC’s findings, recommendations, and full remediation of labor rights violations at Everest Apparel (“Everest”), a factory…
Countering the Crackdown on Workers Protesting Poverty Wages in Bangladesh
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Living Wage, Minimum Wage
To: WRC Affiliate Universities and Colleges From: Thulsi Narayanasamy, Sarah Reed, and Ben Hensler Date: July 16, 2024 Re: Countering the Crackdown on Workers Protesting Poverty Wages in Bangladesh We write to make you aware of the WRC’s response to the recent crackdown on workers’ rights in Bangladesh by the government and factory owners—including a…
Campaigners accuse ASICS over jailed worker
Country: Cambodia
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations
Levi’s slammed for ignoring its own labour standards
Country: Türkiye
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination
Levi’s under fire after supplier laid off hundreds of workers
Country: Türkiye
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Violence Against Workers, Wrongful Termination
Explainer: The cost of ignoring worker freedom of association
Country: Türkiye
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Violence Against Workers, Wrongful Termination
ASICS Allowed Cambodian Supplier Factory to Have Worker Jailed for Months, Sentenced to One Year in Prison in Retaliation for Forming Union
Country: Cambodia
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations
In recent years, the Cambodian government has intensified its crackdown on workers’ right to freedom of association by colluding with factory employers to repress workers’ efforts to form independent unions. This collusion has implicated international apparel and footwear brands in serious human rights violations when their supplier factories have caused worker leaders to be jailed…