Viewing all content tagged: Freedom of Association Violations

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Code Compliance Successes in Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, and Cambodia

Country: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, India
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

To: WRC Affiliate Universities and Colleges From: Jessica Champagne and Scott Nova Date: December 16, 2022 Re: Code Compliance Successes in Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, and Cambodia As we near the end of 2022, we write to provide brief updates on four cases that were resolved this year. In each case, the WRC documented violations of…

Labor Groups Pick Apart Shein’s $15 Million Factory Plan

Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Wage and hour violations, Wage Theft

Who Made Your World Cup Jersey?

Country: Cambodia, Myanmar
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Wage Theft

What Does the World Cup Have to Do With Garment Workers? Plenty.

Country: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Safety Accords, Wage Theft

Mex Mode, S.A. de C.V. (formerly Kukdong International Mexico S.A. de C.V.)

Country: Mexico
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

Kukdong workers filed complaints with the WRC in January 2001, following Kukdong’s alleged discharge of five workers who asserted several workplace grievances, and following Kukdong’s alleged failure to reinstate hundreds of workers who participated in a work stoppage protesting that discharge and other matters.

New Factory Report: Mex Mode (Mexico)

Country: Mexico
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations

To: WRC Affiliate Universities and Colleges From: Scott Nova, Tara Mathur, and Ben Hensler Date: October 5, 2022 Re: New Factory Report: Mex Mode (Mexico) We are sharing with you a new report on the WRC’s work to investigate and remediate violations of university codes of conduct at the Mex Mode garment factory in Mexico,…

RJ Torres

Country: Dominican Republic
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Gender-based Violence and Discrimination, Health & Safety Violations, Wage and hour violations

In 2022, the WRC investigated working conditions and labor practices at RJ Torres Manufacturing, located in the Dominican Republic. This investigation was conducted pursuant to the WRC’s role as the independent monitor for the City and County of San Francisco, California under the City’s Sweatfree Contracting Ordinance. The WRC’s investigation of this facility found violations…

University-Driven Russell Pact Sparked Huge Progress for Honduran Workers

Country: Honduras
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations

To: WRC Affiliate Universities and Colleges From: Tara Mathur and Scott Nova Date: June 17, 2022 Re: University-Driven Russell Pact Sparked Huge Progress for Honduran Workers A new report from Penn State documents sweeping progress for workers sparked by the positive resolution of university code violations at Russell Athletic. The report, authored by Mark Anner,…

Hoosier Manufacturing

Country: Guatemala
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination

In 2022, the WRC investigated complaints of retaliatory dismissal of 25 workers who allegedly attempted to form a union in April 2021, as well as the dismissal of three workers in October 2021 in violation of a legal protective order. In the case of the 25 workers fired in April 2021, the WRC determined that,…

WRC Case Brief: Hoosier Manufacturing (Guatemala)

Country: Guatemala
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations

To: WRC Affiliate Universities and Colleges From: Tara Mathur and Ben Hensler Date: May 27, 2022 Re: WRC Case Brief: Hoosier Manufacturing (Guatemala) Please see here a case brief on remediation of violations of university codes of conduct and Guatemalan law at Hoosier Manufacturing, which supplies collegiate apparel to Fanatics and Nike. The WRC investigated…