Viewing all content tagged: Freedom of Association Violations

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Varsity Pro Ltd.

Country: El Salvador
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations

The WRC’s investigation found that Varsity Pro, a factory located in El Salvador that produces collegiate licensed apparel for Varsity Brands and non-licensed apparel for adidas and Under Armour, violated Salvadoran law and university codes of conduct on freedom of association. In March and April 2020, as part of a larger layoff, the factory fired…

New Case Brief: Varsity Pro (El Salvador)

Country: El Salvador
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations

October 27, 2020 Dear Colleagues, I write to share with you a new case brief from the WRC concerning findings of labor rights violations and subsequent remedial action at Varsity Pro, a factory located in El Salvador that produces collegiate licensed apparel for Varsity Brands and non-licensed apparel for adidas and Under Armour. The WRC’s…

Dong Thanh Garment Joint Stock Co.

Country: Vietnam
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Living Wage, Overtime Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage and hour violations, Wage Theft

The WRC’s assessment of Dong Thanh found violations of Vietnamese labor law, relevant international labor standards, buyer codes of conduct, and/or the City’s Ordinance in the following areas: wages and hours, statutory paid time off, freedom of association, and occupational safety and health. Although Dong Thanh has taken steps to remedy many of the violations…

Avery Dennison

Country: India
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations

The WRC investigated retaliation by Avery Dennison against company employees who sought representation by the Bangalore-based Garment and Textile Workers Union (GATWU). As detailed in the report, the WRC found that Avery Dennison violated the associational rights of workers at this plant by: Improper payment by a factory human resources manager to the leader of…

All-Sportz Apparel

Country: Dominican Republic
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations

In March 2019, the WRC received a complaint from workers at the All-Sportz Apparel factory located in the Dominican Republic. These workers alleged that, following the creation of a Union Formation Committee at the factory, management responded with actions that violated their freedom of association. The WRC investigated the complaint and found violations of workers’…

To Create a Better Everyday Life for Some People

Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Wage and hour violations

There are few research studies on the labor conditions of home textile factory workers. This report aims to fill this gap and to test the supply chain labor standards of the brands that are driving the growth of Bangladesh’s home textile industry against the actual conditions of workers in the factories that produce these goods. Workers interviewed for this report revealed violations of Bangladeshi labor law and brands’ codes of conduct related to building safety, payment of wages, working hours, freedom of association, and abuse.

Suprema Manufacturing S.A.

Country: Dominican Republic
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Gender-based Violence and Discrimination, Health & Safety Violations, Wage and hour violations

The WRC’s assessment at Suprema Manufacturing found violations in the areas of wages and hours, freedom of association, and discrimination of pregnant workers in the hiring process. Read More: WRC Factory Assessment re: Suprema – January 24, 2020

Challenging the Status Quo: Helping Workers Protect their Associational Rights in Myanmar

Country: Myanmar
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations

Freedom of association is a fundamental and critical right allowing workers to collectively demand better working conditions. Yet factory management around the world often deny workers this right, illegally terminating union leaders, and sometimes employing violence to quell union organizing. Buyers at the top of the supply chain generally fail to detect such violations or…

Pandora Production Co., Ltd.

Country: Thailand
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations

Pandora Production Co., Ltd., (Thailand) (“Pandora”) is a Danish-owned jewelry factory in Bangkok, Thailand, which currently employs more than 7,000 workers. Until mid-2019, Pandora was a producer of university logo jewelry and, as a result, subject to university codes of conduct. Pandora’s parent company, Pandora A/S, currently holds licenses to produce jewelry from the Walt…

Panorama Apparels

Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations

In February 2016, Panorama Apparels (“Panorama”) illegally dismissed workers who were officers of a proposed union and engaged in a sophisticated campaign to ensure that the worker leaders would not return to the factory, further violating the workers’ associational rights. At the time that the WRC launched its investigation, Panorama, which employs 1,500 workers, was…