Viewing all content tagged: Living Wage
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Big Fashion Still Hasn’t Figured Out How to Pay a Living Wage
Country: Global
Issues: Living Wage
Labor Campaigners Urge Brand Intervention in Bangladeshi Arrests
Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Living Wage, Minimum Wage
Brands Face Pressure Over Bangladesh Labour Crackdown
Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Living Wage, Minimum Wage
As H&M Steps Up, Bangladesh Suppliers and Workers Ask ‘Where Are the Other Brands?’
Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Living Wage, Minimum Wage
Urgency mounts in Bangladesh as brands stay silent on wage increases
Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Living Wage, Minimum Wage
Like ‘Watching a Car Wreck Unfold’: Poverty Wages Pressure Bangladesh-Sourcing Brands
Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Living Wage, Minimum Wage
In Bangladesh, ‘Unprecedented’ Violence Over ‘Unsustainable’ Wages
Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Living Wage, Minimum Wage
Is Your Brand Paying Its Share to Reduce Bangladesh Workers’ Wage Despair?
Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Living Wage, Minimum Wage
Violent wage protests in Bangladesh could hit top fashion brands
Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Living Wage, Minimum Wage
Disastrous Outcome on Wages Made Worse by the Price Workers Are Paying for Speaking Out
Country: Bangladesh
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Living Wage, Minimum Wage
Brands are facing final calls to use their leverage to influence the wage outcome: brands should reject the wage proposal and publicly commit to increase prices to support a wage of US$215 per month during the official 14-day period for submission of objections, which ends November 26.
Garment workers are encountering systematic punishment and retaliation, including violence, arrests, terminations, and killings…