Viewing all content tagged: Safety Accords

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The year fashion finally faced its social impact

Country: Global
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Safety Accords, Wage Theft, Workplace Health and Safety

Eight Important Moments in Responsible Fashion This Year

Country: Global
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Safety Accords, Wage Theft

Breakthrough: A New Safety Accord for Pakistan

Country: Pakistan
Issues: Safety Accords

December 15, 2022 Dear Colleagues: I am pleased to share the news that an agreement has been reached by apparel brands and worker organizations to create a safety program in Pakistan, modeled on the Bangladesh Accord. The program will be a powerful vehicle to address fire and structural hazards in factories across Pakistan, including more than…

International Safety Accord launches in Pakistan

Country: Pakistan
Issues: Health & Safety Violations, Safety Accords, Workplace Health and Safety

Labor rights organizations hail advent of the Pakistan Accord 

Country: Pakistan
Issues: Safety Accords, Workplace Health and Safety

Expansion of binding international health and safety pact will save garment workers’ lives   After a decade-long push towards factory safety for Pakistan’s garment workers, Pakistani unions and NGO witness signatories to the International Accord today celebrated the announcement of the new agreement:  Nasir Mansoor, General Secretary of the National Trade Union Federation Pakistan, said:…

What Does the World Cup Have to Do With Garment Workers? Plenty.

Country: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Safety Accords, Wage Theft

Fashion brands said ‘never again’ but women are still being exploited in supply chains

Country: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Issues: Covid-19, Freedom of Association Violations, Gender-based Violence and Discrimination, Safety Accords, Wage Theft

Workers Rights Consortium urges American retailers to join international Safety Accord

Country: Global
Issues: Safety Accords, Workplace Health and Safety

US and Aussie brands urged to back new accord

Issues: Safety Accords, Workplace Health and Safety

Worker Rights Consortium Urges Apparel Brands to Join International Safety Accord on Anniversary of Deadly Factory Fire

Country: Bangladesh, Global
Issues: Safety Accords, Workplace Health and Safety

Since the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry went into effect in September, 155 apparel brands and retailers have signed this new binding agreement which expands the model pioneered by the Bangladesh Accord for protecting worker safety. The signatories include many of the world’s leading apparel brands and retailers….