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APS El Salvador

Country: El Salvador
Issues: Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft

The WRC found violations of workers’ rights at the Salvadoran garment factory, APS El Salvador, which closed in August 2022 without paying its workers the approximately US$1.9 million they were owed in back wages, severance, and other legally mandated benefits. The WRC’s investigation resulted in $1.35 million secured from buyers to compensate the workers. Two…

Style Avenue S.A.

Country: El Salvador
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Overtime Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

Style Avenue was found to have multiple and repeated labor rights violations, including forced overtime, illegal terminations, verbal abuse by management, failure to respect freedom of association, locking workers in the factory, excessive heat, and unsanitary conditions.

Suditi Industries

Country: India
Issues: Health & Safety Violations, Minimum Wage, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft

The WRC documented several serious labor rights violations including: payment of subminimum wages and failure to pay overtime and legal benefits to unregistered workers; and serious occupational health and safety hazards throughout the factory. After the WRC continued to press the factory to both compensate these workers and undergo a valid fire safety inspection by…

Nine Months’ Back Wages for Workers at Collegiate Supplier in India (Suditi Industries)

Country: India
Issues: Health & Safety Violations, Minimum Wage, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft

To: WRC Affiliate Universities and Colleges From: Ben Hensler and Manodeep Guha Date: February 5, 2024 Re: Nine Months’ Back Wages for Workers at Collegiate Supplier in India (Suditi Industries) Please find here a new report on the WRC’s investigation and remediation of violations at Suditi Industries’ garment factory in Navi Mumbai, India. Until this…

Factories producing GW clothing improve working conditions, per report

Country: Global
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Gender-based Violence and Discrimination, Health & Safety Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft

Poor brand support following Turkey earthquake, report

Country: Türkiye
Issues: Health & Safety Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations

Fashion Brands Offered Turkish Suppliers ‘Bare Minimum’ Following Earthquakes

Country: Türkiye
Issues: Health & Safety Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations

Leading Apparel Brands Tolerated Delivery Delays Resulting from Türkiye Earthquake; but Most Have Done Little Else to Support Survivors

Country: Türkiye
Issues: Health & Safety Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations

New research shows that many apparel giants failed to take appropriate steps to protect suppliers and workers, leaving 48% of factories unable to pay employees in full after quake  A white paper by the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) examines how 16 global brands handled their human rights obligations after the devastating earthquake in Türkiye: Pressed…

Apparel Brand Responses to the Earthquake in Türkiye

Country: Türkiye
Issues: Health & Safety Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations

This white paper evaluates the responses of 16 major apparel brands to the February 6, 2023, earthquake in Türkiye and to its impact on the suppliers and workers in the region producing goods for these brands.