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Gildan Dortex

Country: Dominican Republic
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wrongful Termination

The WRC launched an investigation of Gildan Dortex, in Guerra, Dominican Republic, in August 2009 in response to a worker complaint. The ensuing investigation documented serious violations of freedom of association including repeated threats and intimidation against workers who were forming a union affiliated to the federation FEDOTRAZONAS.

Productora Clinimex

Country: Mexico
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Overtime Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft

The investigation identified noncompliance with the Sweatfree Contracting Ordinance’s requirements in the areas of freedom of association, legally mandated benefits, wages and hours (with respect to voluntary overtime and non-poverty wage), harassment and abuse of employees, and occupational health and safety.

Empresas T&M

Country: Dominican Republic
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Overtime Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft

The WRC initiated the assessment of Empresas T&M in February of 2007. The assessment identified a number of violations of the provisions of applicable labor rights procurement policies and of domestic law. Violations were documented in the areas of legally mandated terminal compensation and leave, occupational health and safety, overtime, and freedom of association. Factory management was cooperative during the assessment process and agreed to take steps to address many of the instances of non-compliance in each area.

Lianglong Socks Co. Ltd.

Country: China
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Overtime Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft

The WRC assessment identified a number of serious labor rights violations at Lianglong including forced and excessive overtime, with many workers required to work every day of a given month, without a single day off; failure to properly compensate workers for overtime hours worked; the illegal withholding, for an extended period of time, of a substantial amount of workers’ monthly pay; failure to provide legally mandated social benefits; and run-down, unclean, and inadequate dormitory accommodations and bathrooms.

Teerapat Industries

Country: Thailand
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

The key issue raised in the Teerapat complaint was the alleged illegal lockout and subsequent dismissal of 177 employees who had refused to sign new work contracts.

New Wide Garment Cambodia

Country: Cambodia
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Precarious Work, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

The WRC’s assessment of New Wide Garment, initiated in October of 2007, identified a number of serious labor rights violations in the areas of freedom of association, women’s rights, wages and benefits, and occupational health and safety. Significant progress has been achieved.

PCCS Garment

Country: Cambodia
Issues: Health & Safety Violations, Precarious Work, Statutory Benefit Violations

The WRC initiated the assessment of PCCS Garment in response to worker complaints alleging violations in the area of occupational health and safety, as well as the excessive use of short-term labor contracts.

Beauty Silk Screening

Country: Cambodia
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Health & Safety Violations, Precarious Work, Statutory Benefit Violations

The WRC initiated the assessment of PCCS Garment in response to worker complaints alleging violations in the area of occupational health and safety, as well as the excessive use of short-term labor contracts.

Chong Won Fashion, Inc. (C. Woo Inc.)

Country: Philippines
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Overtime Violations, Precarious Work, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

In response to a worker complaint, the WRC launched an investigation into alleged labor rights violations at Chong Won in late October, 2006. The investigation found serious and ongoing labor rights violations at Chong Won, including minimum wage violations, forced overtime, violations of workers’ right to unionize and bargain collectively, and, of particular concern, collusion by factory management with government agents in violence against workers engaged in a lawful and peaceful strike.

Rising Sun Kenya EPZ

Country: Kenya
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Precarious Work, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft

The WRC’s investigation of Rising Sun documented a number of serious code of conduct violations including, of greatest concern, the mass firing of 1,270 workers in early June 2006 in response to protests by workers regarding working conditions at the factory.