Viewing all content tagged: Worker-driven Social Responsibility

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Global Clothing Brands Should Respond to the #MeToo Mandate

Country: Lesotho
Issues: Gender-based Violence and Discrimination, Worker-driven Social Responsibility

When ‘business as usual’ costs lives: workers in Pakistan call for a binding safety agreement

Country: Pakistan
Issues: Worker-driven Social Responsibility, Workplace Health and Safety

By Christie Miedema and Liana Foxvog – In Karachi, Pakistan, 11 September 2012 is ingrained into people’s minds as the day on which over 250 people did not return home to their families after a long day of work. A fire in the Ali Enterprises garment factory had spread rapidly, fed by the bales of finished product…

Landmark Agreements to Combat Gender-based Violence and Harassment in Lesotho’s Garment Industry

Country: Lesotho
Issues: Gender-based Violence and Discrimination, Worker-driven Social Responsibility

Last Thursday marked the announcement of a set of landmark agreements among leading apparel brands, a coalition of labor unions and women’s rights advocates, and a major apparel supplier to combat gender-based violence and harassment in Lesotho’s garment sector. These enforceable agreements—with Levi Strauss & Co., The Children’s Place, and Kontoor Brands—link the each of…

Levi Strauss, Kontoor Back Worker-Protection Accord in Lesotho

Country: Lesotho
Issues: Gender-based Violence and Discrimination, Worker-driven Social Responsibility