Viewing all content tagged: Wrongful Termination

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Style Avenue S.A.

Country: El Salvador
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Overtime Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

Style Avenue was found to have multiple and repeated labor rights violations, including forced overtime, illegal terminations, verbal abuse by management, failure to respect freedom of association, locking workers in the factory, excessive heat, and unsanitary conditions.

The Solidarity Center is On the Brink. Where Does That Leave Garment Workers’ Rights?

Country: Global
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Gender-based Violence and Discrimination, Health & Safety Violations, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wrongful Termination

Hansae Haiti

Country: Haiti
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination

In 2025, the WRC’s engagement with buyers secured reinstatement with full back pay for nine workers who were fired in 2022 and 2023 from Hansae Haiti, a garment factory located in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The workers were fired for leading or joining protests against poverty wages and their dismissals represented a violation of workers’ right to…

WRC Engagement with Major US Brands Wins Reinstatement, 2+ Years Back Pay for Haitian Workers Fired for Protesting Poverty Wages

Country: Haiti
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Living Wage, Wrongful Termination

The WRC’s engagement with top US retailers has secured reinstatement with full back pay for nine workers who were fired in 2022 and 2023 from a garment factory in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, for leading or joining protests against poverty wages. Haitian garment workers, who are among the lowest-paid workers in the world, struggle to survive amidst…

Angajman ke WRC te pran ak gwo mak rad nan peyi Etazini te mennen a re-anbochman, epi peman plis pase 2 an salè a plizyè travayè Ayisyen ke yon faktori te revoke paske travayè yo tap pwoteste kont salè povrete nan peyi Ayiti.

Country: Haiti
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Living Wage, Wrongful Termination

Angajman WRC te pran ak gwo magazen ki vann rad nan peyi Etazini te garanti re-anbochman ak peman salè konplè pou 9 travayè ke yon faktori rad nan vil Pòtoprens, nan peyi Ayiti te revoke ant ane 2022 ak 2023. Yo te revoke travayè sa yo paske yo te dirije oswa patisipe nan yon manifestasyon…

Hong Seng Knitting

Country: Thailand
Issues: Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

WRC affiliate universities have continued to engage with Nike on this case. However, Nike’s position remains unchanged. It continues to ignore overwhelming evidence of worker coercion reported by the WRC, asserting that thousands of workers at Hong Seng voluntarily chose to forgo wages that they were legally owed. In support of its position, Nike cites an audit it commissioned from a for-profit contract monitoring firm, Elevate, but Nike refuses…

Grupo Merlet

Country: El Salvador
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination

A WRC investigation found that Grupo Merlet, located in El Salvador, violated local law and university codes of conduct when it illegally fired a union leader who was protected from dismissal under Salvadoran law. Following the WRC’s investigation and recommended corrective actions, the company agreed to remedy the violations by providing back pay to the…

Successful remediation of illegal termination at Gear for Sports supplier

Country: El Salvador
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination

To: WRC Affiliate Universities and Colleges From: Tara Mathur and Scott Nova Date: September 16, 2024 Re: Successful remediation of illegal termination at Gear for Sports supplier We write to provide you with a new factory report, documenting remediation of labor rights violations at a collegiate factory in El Salvador. The WRC frequently documents violations of…

Labour rights organisations continue to denounce the situation at Levi’s Turkish supplier

Country: Türkiye
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination

Levi’s slammed for ignoring its own labour standards

Country: Türkiye
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination