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Gildan Villanueva

Country: Honduras
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Overtime Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

The WRC’s investigative work at Gildan Villanueva began after a complaint was filed by several of the factory’s employees stating that they had been fired in May 2013 in retaliation for their efforts to seek assistance from a local, non-governmental organization in order to improve working conditions at the facility. The workers alleged that supervisors openly expressed hostility towards the workers who met with the organization for their participation in protected, concerted activities, and that many of them were subsequently fired as a result of their participation in these efforts.


Country: Honduras
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

The WRC’s initial investigation at Petralex documented systematic labor rights violations, including retaliatory firings of union leaders, who were protected from dismissal by Honduran law, as well as the firing of other workers who were supporters of the union or family members of union leaders.

Thai Garment Export 5

Country: Thailand
Issues: Freedom of Association Violations, Gender-based Violence and Discrimination, Health & Safety Violations, Wage and hour violations, Wrongful Termination

The WRC’s assessment of Thai Garment Export, which was launched in May 2013, identified violations of Thai law and international labor standards in the following areas: occupational health and safety including excessive heat levels, inadequate sanitary facilities, safe drinking water, excessive noise levels, lighting levels, fire safety; freedom of association; hours of work including involuntary…

I-Cheng (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.

Country: Cambodia
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Overtime Violations, Precarious Work, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

The WRC’s assessment of I-Cheng found violations in the areas of: (1) wages and hours, including payment of a probationary wage that is below the legal minimum, and unlawful involuntary overtime; (2) gender discrimination, including an explicit policy of hiring men on contracts of shorter duration than those under which the company hires women; (3) freedom of association, including the establishment of and compelling membership in a company-controlled labor union, unlawful unauthorized deductions of union dues from workers’ wages, and the illegal retaliatory termination, in May 2014, of 243 employees who were members of an independent union; (4) statutory paid sick leave, including failure to pay such legally-required benefits to employees; and (5) occupational health and safety, including heat levels so excessive that they regularly cause employees to faint on the job.

Kin Tai Garment

Country: Cambodia
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Health & Safety Violations, Precarious Work, Statutory Benefit Violations, Wrongful Termination

The WRC’s assessment of Kin Tai, initiated in March 2013, identified a number of serious labor rights violations in the areas of: (1) employment contracts, including illegal employment of workers on short-term contracts and as casual labor; (2) wages and benefits, including failure to properly provide legally required bonuses and paid leaves; and (3) occupational health and safety, including failing to provide employees with necessary protective equipment.

Centro Textil (Centex)

Country: Nicaragua
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination

The WRC found compelling evidence that Centex violated Nicaraguan law, international labor standards, and university codes of conduct by engaging in the following acts: (1) terminating 15 workers in retaliation for forming a union, (2) threatening the remaining workers to dissuade them from exercising their associational rights, and (3) attempting to induce workers, including via offers of financial inducements, to forgo their right to reinstatement.

Genesis, S.A.

Country: Haiti
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Overtime Violations, Wage Theft, Wrongful Termination

In December 2011 and January 2012, four union leaders who had been illegally fired by t-shirt factory Genesis, S.A. were reinstated at the urging of the factory’s main customer, Gildan.

Arneses y Accesorios de Mexico (PKC Group)

Country: Mexico
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination

The WRC’s inquiry found, on the basis of overwhelming evidence, that, since August 2011, PKC management at Arneses y Accesorios has carried out a series of actions that have violated international labor standards by denying workers the opportunity to exercise their right to freely join a union in order to bargain collectively with their employer.

E Garment

Country: Cambodia
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination

The WRC found serious and ongoing violations by E Garment’s management of its workers’ associational rights, that the factory, VF and E Garment’s other buyers — despite extensive attempts at engagement by the WRC — have repeatedly failed to remedy.


Country: Nicaragua
Issues: Abuse and Harassment, Freedom of Association Violations, Wrongful Termination

On February 21, 2013, workers wrote to SAE-A, buyers and the WRC alleging a series of violations, including the termination of 16 workers (nine at EINS and seven at Tecnotex) in retaliation for workers’ lawful exercise of their associational rights.